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Incredible Journey of Mr ELON MUSK
  • He was born on 28th June 1972 in South Africa.
  • He was curious about the technologies and was interested in computer since he was 10.
  • At the age of playing games, he developed a game when he was 12 and sold it to a magazine for $500.
  • He studied physics and Economics at the university of Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Elon Musk along with his brother Kimbal, started a Web Startup “Zip2” that provided city travel guide to newspapers. They invested $28,000 to complete this project and later on in 1999 they sold Zip2 to Compaq Computers Company for $307 Million.
  • Thereafter he invested more than half of his earnings to confound x.com, which was an Online Banking Service.
  • X.Com quickly got merged with its rival and became “Paypal” with Elon Musk as the majority Shareholder.
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  • Later on in 2001, Elon thought about a project to land a miniature experimental greenhouse onĀ Mars.
  • In 2002, Paypal was bought by eBay for which Elon received $180 Million.
  • Elon moving towards his dream project traveled to Russia to buy a refurbished Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles to send colony of mice to Mars.
  • Russia offered to sell 1 rocket at $8 million USD which was overpriced according to Elon Musk. Russians taunted Elon Musk saying “Oh, Little boy, You don’t have the Money?”. Musk made an exit with a reply statement “I think we can build a rocket ourselves.
  • While returning back from Muscow, he realized that he can start a company that can built affordable Rockets he needed.
  • While working on the cost of manufacturing a rocket he came to know the actual price it could take and it was 3% of the price of sale price.
  • SpaceX could cut launch Price by a factor of ten and still enjoy a 70 percent gross margin.
  • With an investment of $100 Million USD Elon Musk started a firm named SpaceX in May 2002 to build an spacecraft for commercial space travel.
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  • In 2006 SpaceX was ready with the rocket to launch but unfortunately failed in just 33 seconds of lift-off.
  • Same way 2nd rocket launched in 2007 and 3rd launched in 2008 failed after which Elon Musk was left with fund to try for the last time.
  • On 28th September 2008 the fourth Falcon 1 launched made histrory by achieving earths orbit. This was the first ever privately developed liquid fuel rocket to orbit the Earth.
Falcon 1 : First ever privately launched rocket to orbit the Earth
  • On 23rd December 2008, SpaceX was awarded by NASA with $1.6 billion Dollar contract to handle cargo transport for international space station.
  • In 2011, SpaceX announced Reusable Launch system dev program.
  • In December 2015 SpaceX achieved a successful landing and recovery of a first stage.
  • In March 2017. SpaceX relaunched the used rocket and brought it back by landing it in the ocean. it was a perfect landing.
  • He also had invested funds in Tesla Motors Tesla Motors, a company founded by obsessive Silicon Valley engineers Martin Eberhard and Marc Tappening, Elon Musk began the major shareholder of Tesla Motors since 2008.
First Reusable Rocket

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