Write for us – Guest Post

Welcome to BharatDetails.com | MAKE FOR INDIA PROJECT.
We are happy to see you here and glad to know that you are interested in writing a guest post. BharatDetails.com has decided to allow guest articles, and we invite all bloggers (Blog Article Writers) to feel free to contact us for a guest blog. We are open as well as ready to invite all your bloggers out there to share your stories, news articles, updates, etc with our audience.
Each and every blog will be screened before getting posted by our team before publishing to serve quality content to our audience.
For writing a guest blog you will have to follow certain guidelines orelse we may reject your request if you do not adhere to our guidelines.
Your request to write a blog will be accepted withing maximum 24 hours. Our team are costantly working on update process which may cause delay in accepting your request, but we promise for approval at the soonest.
Below we have the list of Categories we Cover: Write for us
- Entertainment
- National News
- International News
- Sports News
- Political News
- Financial News
- Technology News
- Gadget News
- Travel News
- Health
- Gaming
- Lifestyle
- Business News
New Categories and suggestions are always welcome !!
Guest Post Guidelines:
Before you write or submit a article to BharatDetails.com, we want you to know our guidelines. We request you to read these guidelines carefully and adhere to them:
- Basics first- your article should not have grammatical or language errors.
- Your story should be informative, interactive, and interesting. Every post on our blog aims to give valuable information to our users keeping them updated.
- Don’t send us chunks of text lying on a word doc. Your article should be well-structured with subheadings, bullets, quotes, and images.
- Don’t be a business speaking to humans. We are humans giving information to fellow humans, so sound like one in your story. Talk in first person and speak to the readers directly.
- Your articles should be 800- 1200 words.
- Don’t use irrelevant images or copyright images owned by someone else.
- Please give source of statistics, images, and quotes used in the content.
- The story should be unique and not copied from elsewhere.
- Include your bio and headshot along with the article.
- Send your topic ideas before you submit your story.
If you don’t follow the above guidelines, you most likely will not hear from us.
We allow our bloggers to add maximum 2 backlinks per post.
What happens if your story is selected for publication?
- If we select your story, it is sent for review to our editors. If it requires any changes, we send it back with our comments.
- We have the right to edit the article or its title.
- The author has to right to republish the story elsewhere citing BharatDetails.com as the original publisher of the story.
- We can republish the story or share it on any social channel giving due credits to the author.
- We do not pay for guest articles.
Got more questions? Don’t hesitate to drop us a mail at [email protected] or visit Contact US